Kathleen Kavanagh

Director of the Institute for STEM Education / Robert A. Plane Endowed Chair / Professor of Mathematics
Kathleen  Kavanagh Headshot

Research Interests

My research interests are in the areas of numerical analysis, optimization, computational mathematics, and nonlinear equations. My research has centered around applications from hydrology including simulation of groundwater flow and transport, adaptive temporal integration for a nonsmooth, nonlinear PDE that models unsaturated ground water flow, and optimal design for water resource management and groundwater remediation problems.


  • K.M. Bliss, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, B.G. Galluzzo, et al, Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modelling (GAIMME National Report), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications, 2016. http://www.siam.org/reports/gaimme.php
  • K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, E.W. Jenkins, M. Parno, J.C. Chrispell, A. Rivas, and R.T. Hanson, Development and Use of Mathematical Models and Software Frameworks for Integrated Analysis of Agricultural Systems and Associated Water Use Impacts, Accepted to Agriculture and Food, May 2016.
  • Kathleen (Fowler) Kavanagh, Jeffrey Humpherys, Eric Kostelich, Suzanne Weekes, Lee Zia Comparing Notes on Computing Across the Curriculum, SIAM News, February 2016
  • G. Yao, K.M. Bliss, M. Crimi, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, J. Clark-Stone, W. Li, and P.J. Evans, Radial basis function simulation of slow-release permanganate for groundwater remediation via oxidation, accepted to Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, February 2016.
  • R. Dowman, B. Ritz, K. (Fowler) Kavanagh, A Connectionist Modeling Study of the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Pain’s Ability to Reorient Attention, Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience,2016
  • J. Clark-Stone, G. Yao, K. (Fowler) Kavanagh, M. Crimi, P. Evans, P. Dugan, Modeling Slow-Release In Situ Chemical Oxidation for of Contaminated Groundwater, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, May 2016.
  • D. Teague, R. Levy, K. (Fowler) Kavanagh, The GAIMME Report: Mathematical Modeling in the K16 Curriculum, Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME) 2016: Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2016.
  • Peter R. Turner, Rachel Levy, Kathleen (Fowler) Kavanagh, Collaboration in the Mathematical Sciences Community on Mathematical Modeling Across the Curriculum, CHANCE: American Statistical Association, 28(4), November 2015
  • Rachel Levy, Kara Maki, Kathleen (Fowler) Kavanagh, How Can the SIAM Community Help Embed Math Modeling in K–16 Curricula? SIAM News, April 2015.
  • W. Bauldry, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, B. Galluzzo, R. Wagstrom, and M. Walter, Report on Environmental Science and Climate Studies, Chapter in the Undergraduate Programs and Courses in the Mathematical Sciences: CUPM Curriculum Guide. The Mathematical Association of America: Washington, DC, 2015.
  • J. Bokhiria, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, E.W. Jenkins, Modeling and Optimization for Crop Portfolio Management Under Limited Irrigation Strategies , Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 2(1), 01-31, 2014.
  • K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, C. Ostrove, M.D. Parno, J.C. Chrispell, M.W. Farthing, and E.W. Jenkins, A Decision Making Framework with MODFLOW-FMP2 via Optimization: Determining Trade-off s in Crop Selection, Environmental Modeling and Software, December 2014.
  • K.M. Bliss, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, and B.J. Galluzzo Math Models: Getting Started and Getting Solutions, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014.
  • Leventhal, B., Fu, X., (Fowler) Kavanagh, K. R., Eslinger, O. J. Parameter Identification and Sensitivity Analysis to a Thermal Diffusivity Inverse Problem, Accepted to Involve,2013.
  • A.B. Luttman, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, S. Mondal, Interdisciplinary Biomathematics: Engaging Undergraduates in Research on the Fringe of Mathematical Biology, PRIMUS, 23(9), 815-828, 2013.
  • M. Farthing, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, X. Fu, A. Davis, and C.T. Miller, The Effect of Model Resolution on a Set of Community Problems for Optimal Design in Water Resources, Advances in Water Resources, 38, 27-37, 2012.
  • J.C. Chrispell, S.E. Howington, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, E.W. Jenkins, M.J. Minick, T. Sendova, Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Optimal Design for Agricultural Management, Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC, 2012.
  • Lozo, K., Mondal, S., (Fowler) Kavanagh, K. R., Brydges, B. A Mathematical Modeling Approach to Understanding the Impact of STEM Institutes on Building Teachers Leader, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 4(11), October 2011.
  • Brackett-Rozinsky, N., Mondal, S., (Fowler) Kavanagh, K. R., Jenkins, E. W., Analysis of Model Parameters for a Polymer Filtration Simulator, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, October 2011.
  • Guannan Jiang, M. Crimi, K. (Fowler) Kavanagh, and X. Fu, Experimental Design of Diffusion and Desorption of Contaminants in Heterogeneous Media, Water Science and Technology, 64(4) 988-998, 2011.
  • (Fowler) Kavanagh, K.R., Kopp, T., Orsini, J., Griffin, J., Gray, G., An Asynchronous Parallel Hybrid Optimization Approach to Simulation-based Mixed-integer Nonlinear Problems, Proceedings of the The 23rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, Rome, Italy September 2011.
  • J.D. Griffin, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanaghr, G.A. Gray, T. Hemker, and M.D. Parno, Derivative-free Optimization via Evolutionary Algorithms Guiding Local Search (EAGLS) for MINLP, Pacific Journal of Optimization 7(3), 425-443 September 2011.
  • Gray, G. A., (Fowler) Kavanagh, K. R. The Effectiveness of Derivative-free Hybrid methods for Black-box Optimization. International Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Optimization, 2(2), 112-133, 2011.
  • (Fowler) Kavanaghr, K. R., Jenkins, E. W., McClune, B. P., Polymer Extrusion Filter Design with a Hybrid PSO-GA Optimization Technique, Filtration, 11(1), 58-64, 2011.
  • G.A. Gray and K.R.(Fowler) Kavanagh, Traditional and Hybrid Derivative-free Optimization Approaches to Black-box Objective Functions, book chapter in Computational Optimization, Methods and Algorithms, X. Yang, S. Koziel (Ed.), ,Springer, 2011.
  • D. Wick, M. Ramsdell, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, P. Turner, P. Schalk, University Outreach in STEM Education Through a Roller Coaster Science and Engineering Camp, Frontiers in Education, Rapid City, South Dakota, 2011.
  • G.S. Yamoah, K.R.(Fowler) Kavanagh, O.J. Eslinger, Spatially Adaptive Finite Elements with Temporal Adaption Using Local Truncation Error Control for Variably Saturated Flow, Proceedings of the XVIII International conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Barcelona, Spain, June 2010.
  • G.A. Gray, K.R.(Fowler) Kavanagh, J.D. Griffin, A Hybrid Optimization Scheme for Simulation-based Optimization, accepted to the 2010 International Conference on Computational Science, Amsterdam, May 2010 (Best Paper Award!)
  • Skufca, J. D., (Fowler) Kavanagh, K. R., An Interdisciplinary Roller Coaster Design Project for Pre-Calculus, NYS Mathematics Teachers' Journal, 60(3), 2010.
  • K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, P. Turner, A Holistic Approach to Applied Mathematics Education for Middle and High Schools, accepted to appear in the proceedings of the ICMI/ICIAM conference on Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry, Lisbon, Portugal, April 2010.
  • K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, E.W. Jenkins, S.M. LaLonde, Understanding the Effects of Polymer Extrusion Filter Layering Configurations Using Derivative-Free Optimization, to appear in Optimization and Engineering (doi: 10.1007/s11081-009-9096-0), November 2009.
  • G.A. Gray, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, J.D. Griffin, A Hybrid Optimization Scheme for Solving the Hydraulic Capture Problem with an Unknown Number of Wells, The First International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Funchal, Madeira, Portugal 1-4 September 2009.
  • K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, E.W. Jenkins, S.M. LaLonde, and C.L. Cox, A Simulation-based Optimization Approach to Polymer Extrusion Filter Design, Filtration, 9(3), 224--230, July 2009.
  • B. Zhang, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, M. Grace, S. Mondal, S.J. Grimberg, Optimization of Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1): Simulation of Dairy Manure Digestion, Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, Reno, Nevada, June 2009.
  • Aiman Q. Jaradat, Kathleen (Fowler) Kavanagh, Stefan J. Grimberg, Thomas M. Holsen, Rajat S. Ghosh, Treatment of Storm Water Containing Low Levels of PCBs Using Natural Media Filtration, Environmental Engineering Science, 26(4): 799-808, April 2009.
  • Aiman Q. Jaradat, K. (Fowler) Kavanagh, Stefan J. Grimberg , and Thomas M. Holsen, Transport of Colloids and Associated Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals Through a Natural Media Filter, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(1), 36-45, January 2009.
  • V. Krishnamurthy, E. Sazonov, and K. (Fowler) Kavanagh, Effect of Time Synchronization of Wireless Sensors on Modal Analysis of Structures, Smart Materials and Structures, 7(15), July 2008.
  • K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, J.P. Reese, C.E. Kees, J.E. Dennis, Jr., C.T. Kelley, C.T. Miller, C. Audet, A.J. Booker, G. Couture, R.W. Darwin, M.W. Farthing, D.E. Finkel, J.M. Gablonsky, G. Gray, T.G. Kolda, A Comparison of Derivative-free Optimization Methods for Water Supply and Hydraulic Capture Community Problems, Advances in Water Resources, 31(5), 743-757, May 2008.
  • J. Qian, K.R. (Fowler) Kavanagh, A.R. Ferro, Estimating the Resuspension Rate and Residence Time of Indoor Particles, The Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, Vol. 58, pp. 502-516, April 2008.
  • K.R. (Fowler) Kavanaghr, B. McClune, E.W. Jenkins, C. L. Cox, B. Seyfzadeh, Design Analysis of a Polymer Filter Using a Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm, Separation Science and Technology, 43(4) 710-726, March 2008.
  • K.R. Fowler, G.A. Gray, M.S. Olufsen, Modelling Heart Rate Regulation Part II: Parameter Identification, The Journal of Cardiovascular Engineering, 8(2), 109-119, April 2008.
  • P.Turner, K.R. Fowler, D. Wick, M. Ramsdell, G. Gotham, E. Glasgow, C. French, BOCES-University Partnerships as a Model for Educational Outreach: K-16 STEM Professional Development, the Proceedings for the Inaugural Math and Science Symposium, Knoxville, TN, October 2007.
  • T. Hemker, K.R. Fowler, M.W. Farthing, O. Von Stryk, A Mixed-integer Simulation-based Optimization Approach With Surrogate Functions in Water Resources Management, accepted to appear in Optimization and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s11081-008-9048-0, June 2008.
  • L.S. Matott, S.L. Bartlelt-Hunt, A.J. Rabideau, and K.R. Fowler, Application of Heuristic Techniques and Algorithm Tuning to a multilayered sorptive barrier system, Environmental Science \& Technology, 40, 6354 - 6360, 2006.
  • G.A. Gray and K.R. Fowler, Approaching the Groundwater Remediation Problem Using Multi-fidelity Optimization, proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2006.
  • T. Hemker, K.R. Fowler , and O. Van Stryk, Derivative-Free Methods for Handling Fixed Costs in Optimal Groundwater Remediation Design, proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2006.
  • K.R. Fowler and C.T. Kelley, Pseudotransient Continuation for Nonsmooth Nonlinear Equations, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, 43(4), 2005, pages 1385-1406.
  • K.R. Fowler, C.T. Kelley, C.E. Kees, and Cass. T. Miller, A Hydraulic Capture Application For Optimal Remediation Design, Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder, editors, 2004.
  • C.T. Kelley, K.R. Fowler, C.E. Kees, Simulation of Nondifferentiable Models for groundwater Flow and Transport, Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, W.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder, editors, 2004.
  • K.R. Fowler, C. T. Kelley, C. T. Miller, Mark S. C. Reed, C. E. Kees, Robert W. Darwin,J.P. Reese, and M.W. Farthing, Solution to a Well-Field Design Problem with Implicit Filtering, Optimization and Engineering(5) 207–234, May 2004.
  • K. R. Kavanagh (Fowler), C. T. Kelley, R. C. Berger, J. P. Hallberg, and Stacy E. Howington, Nonsmooth Nonlinearities and Temporal Integration of Richards' Equation , Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, S. Majid Hassanizadeh, Ruud J. Schotting, W. G. Gray, and G. F. Pinder, editors, 2002, pp 947-954.
  • A. Battermann, J. M. Gablonsky, A. Patrick, C. T. Kelley, T. Coffey, K. Kavanagh (Fowler) , and C. T. Miller, Solution of a Groundwater Flow Problem With Implicit Filtering , Optimization and Engineering, (3), 2002, 189-199.



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