Education Background

Material Sciences & Engineering Ph.D. - Rensselaer Polthechnic Institute 
Material Science M.S. - Syracuse University 
Industrial Engineering M.S. - Syracuse University

Courses Taught

  • ME492/590 - Welding Metallurgy
  • ME390/503 - Additive Manufacturing Processes

Research Interests

Specific Topics of Interest

  • Welding metallurgy & process modeling
  • Corrosion & mechanical properties of weldment
  • Reliability & life assessment of engineering components/systems

The elimination of the unmixed zone in dissimilar welds (e.g. Steel to Stainless Steel); The role of enhanced weld pool convection on the quality of dissimilar welds; Development of advanced automated welding processes to increase quality and productivity in fabrication industry.

Designed and built an Automated Dual Torch Arc Welding System (ADTAWS) capable of welding 2” thick plates in 2G-position simultaneously from both sides, reducing welding time and increasing productivity.

Designed and built the first Multi Gravity Research Welding System (MGRWS) in the world dedicated to investigation of welding and casting in simulated high "g" environment (Dave Williams and Steve Zanon). Implemented the ME 492 and ME590, Welding Metallurgy and Advanced Welding Metallurgy, in 1990, as a professional elective course which includes laboratory / hands on projects for undergraduate and graduate students, respectively. Implemented the welding laboratory equipped with Shielded Metal Arc, Cold-Wire Gas Tungsten Arc, Gas Metal Arc, Submerged Arc, Resistance Spot, and Ultrasonic Welding Processes through grants and gifts.

  • Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (FASME)
  • Fellow of the American Welding Society (FAWS);
  • Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in Metallurgy & Materials Eng. (TN);
  • Editor, Chapter 3 (Heat Flow in Welding), AWS Hand Book,10th Ed. Vol.1, (2015-2019).


Selected Publications:



Office Phone Number: 315/268-6518

Office Location: 200 CAMP Building

Clarkson Box Number: CU Box 5725

Office Hours

  • Tuesday: 12 - 4 pm
  • Wednesday: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm